Table of Contents (click a link to jump to that section on this page)
Primer: Ways to Create an Assessment and Add Questions
Multiple Choice
Multiple Correct
Multipart (All or Nothing)
Multipart (With Partial Credit)
True/False & Yes/No
Short Answer / Constructed Response
Student Work (Extended Response, Drawing, Performance) - Graded with AI, Rubric, Slider
Student Work (Extended Response, Drawing, Performance) - Steps for Students
Graphing Questions
Equation Response
Drag and Drop
Hot Text
Hot Spot
In-Line Choice Picklist
In-Line Extended Text Answer
Matching Questions
Match Table Grid
Weighting Questions
Other Question Types
Primer: Ways to Create an Assessment and Add Questions
Depending on your needs, there are a few ways to start making an assessment:
Our full-fledged Authoring Tool: This google-slides-like interface can do everything needed to build or edit a test. See this article to get started.
Import a PDF and Add an Answer Key: This tool lets you import a PDF and quickly punch in an answer key. Students will view the PDF test on the left and enter answers on the right. Note: Doesn't support all TEI question types. See this article to get started.
Quick Key Builder: Ideal when you have a hard copy of a mostly multiple choice test and just need to quickly enter the key without typing in the questions and answers. Note: Not all TEI types can be added, but they can be added later in the Authoring Tool. See this article to get started.
Below, you can read about each of the Question Types that ALL In Learning offers.
You can choose from 2 to 12 Answer Choices (MC2-MC12, A-L), and use alternating answer schemes (ABCD/FGHJ) when you create them in the Quick Key builder and select "Show Advanced Options."
To add Multiple Choice Questions:
- See the section above on "How to Add Questions."
- In the Create Assessment Key screen or in the Authoring Tool under Insert > Questions with Quick Key, you can add multiple choice vquickly with standards attached, with alternating choices, etc.
- Or you can add one MC question at a time in the Authoring Tool by going to Insert > Question, and selecting the MC type.
- Once added, click the question thumbnail on the left to edit the question.
- Type in the question and answer stem fields (not needed if using a hard copy or PDF of the test)
- In the right panel, select the correct answer.
- Attach a standard.
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Click “Save Question”
Grading methods that support Multiple Choice:
Clickers - Clickers have buttons A, B, C, D, and E and are ideal for answering MC2-MC5 questions to engage the classroom and get formative data from exit tickets or quick checks for understanding.
Bubble Sheets - Print bubble sheets from your class roster screen to instantly scan MC2 through MC5 question types with a document camera or our ASSIST app for iPhone, iPad, or Android. They're reusable with lamination or sheet protectors and wet erase markers. It's so easy many teachers use them for pain-free quick checks and exit tickets!
The Student Portal - Of course, multiple choice questions are a great fit for student devices and grading is automatic.
Multiple-Correct-Answer (Multiselect)
To add multiple questions quickly in the Quick Key Builder:
- Follow the steps in the Multiple Choice section above to add Multiple Choice Questions.
- Either in the Quick Key Builder, or when clicking a questions thumbnail to view it in the Authoring Tool, you'll see the correct answer area on the right.
- Select more than one correct answer. Below it, you’ll see options to choose whether students will only be counted as correct if they select all of the correct answers or if they can select any of them.
- Attach a standard (right).
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Click “Save Question”
Note for Clickers: Multiple-Correct-Answer questions can be used with every grading method in ALL In Learning except for clickers.
Note for bubble sheets: If a student gets a score of incorrect on any multiple-correct-answer question, we'll prompt you to look at their bubble sheet to ensure that a reflection off of lamination or pencil lead didn't appear white (empty) to the camera. (The chance of this can be eliminated by using a mirror over your sheets to see in the camera what lights may be reflecting, and turn them off or changing the angle. See this article for more info.)
Multipart Questions (No Partial-Credit Option)
Multipart questions are multiple-choice questions that have a part A and part B. The steps below do not have a partial credit option - the student must get both parts correct to be counted as correct.
- To get to the Authoring Tool and add Multipart Questions, go to the Lessons/Assessments tab > Create New > Custom Assessment, OR or click Actions > Edit for an existing assessment.
- Go to Insert > Question > Multiple Choice Question
- Choose the total number of answer options for both questions (example: choose 8 Part MC if your two question parts are each 4 Part MC).
- At the bottom of the Question Stem are, click “Display Second Question Stem”
- A second box will appear. There you can input the Part B question.
- Scroll down and type in the different answer choices
On the right under Question Properties, you can choose the correct answers for both parts of the question. (For example, in an 8 Part MC the first four choices represent Part A and the last 4 represent Part B).
Below the answer key for the question, choose whether students will only be counted as correct if they select all of the correct answers or if they can select any of them.
- Attach a standard.
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Click “Save Question”
Multipart Questions (With Partial Credit)
You can use a constructed response question to let students enter the letters of their choices and AI will automatically give full credit or allow teachers to manually give partial credit.
- In the Authoring Tool, go to Insert > Question > Student Work Graded with AI (even if you aren't using AI).
- In the Question Stem area, Enter the Question and Answer options for BOTH parts with instructions for the student to enter their answer selection for both questions (example: BD).
- Set the Max Value of the Slider to 2 by manually moving the slider or typing “2” in the “Max Value” text box
- Attach a standard.
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Click “Save Question”
To grade this multipart question, view the student's response and use the slider as follows:
- Full credit (both correct answers) = 2 points
- Partial credit (one correct answer) = 1 point
- No credit (zero correct answers) = 0 points
Note: The slider points do not correlate to question weight on the test. You can Edit Question Weight (see this article) and the slider points will be worth a fraction of the questions overall weight.
True/False & Yes/No questions work the same way as an MC2. For clickers and bubble sheets, A/B = Yes/No and True/False. Tip: For younger students with clickers, some teachers attach stickers (like green and red) to next to the A and B buttons. In the Student Portal, these are displayed as T/F and Y/N.
Short Answer / Constructed Response
Short Answer, Constructed Response, or Short Constructed Response questions are ideal for very short answers where the score is either correct or incorrect, not subjectively graded on a rubric or partial credit. These will be automatically graded as correct on Student Portal assessments if they are an exact match (or if they are common misspellings with the per-question "allow misspellings" option enabled).
To add a Short Answer/Constructed Response Question:
- In the Authoring Tool, go to Insert > Question > Short Answer Question
- Enter in the question stem.
- On the right, enter the correct answer. By default it is grade by case-sensitive exact match, but you can choose whether to enable "allow misspellings."
- Attach a standard.
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Click “Save Question” when all done.
Short Answer Questions with Bubble Sheets?
Our scanning software doesn't read student handwriting, but students can leave the bubbles for that question blank and write their short answer on a separate sheet for the teacher to manually score during grading. (Don't have them write on the front of the sheet as it can prohibit scanning.)
The Student Portal and Short Answer Questions
Answers will be automatically counted as correct if they are an exact, case-sensitive match OR, if the "allow misspellings" option is enabled, if they entered a common misspelling or logical variation.
To review or modify scoring, click the "hand" icon next to their name in the grading screen to see what they entered and count it as correct or incorrect. The correct answer is displayed there as well, for your reference.
Student Work (Extended Response, Drawing, or Performance) - Graded with AI, Rubric, Slider
To add a Student Work (Extended Response, Drawing, or Performance) Graded with AI, Rubric, or Slider Question:
In the Authoring Tool, go to Insert > Question > Student Work Graded with AI
Note: Extended Responses graded with AI is the most commonly-sought use of Student Work questions, but these steps are the same for drawing and performance responses (which don't work with AI grading at this time).
- In the question stem, enter your prompt for the student. (Be detailed with instructions for the student: Reference passages, techniques, buttons to use in the interface (if necessary), etc.)
Click "Add Rubric" to select one of the provided state rubrics (or district-coordinated rubrics) that should be used in the scoring and feedback process.
Note: The points available within a rubric have nothing to do with the question's overall weight on the test, which is set separately with these instructions. Points available within a rubric will impact the overall test score as a fraction of whatever the question's weight is on the test. - To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question” when all done.
Note: If the "Lock-Down Browser" Security feature is enabled for an assessment, students will not be able to click outside of the browser tab to insert an image or link to a Google Doc.
Grading a Student Work Question Completed in the Student Portal
- Typed Extended Responses scored with AI - Go to the grading screen, click the "Hand" icon next to the student's name, and click "? View" button, where you can see the prompt with their response and review/adjust the AI grading slider score along with the feedback (which will not be shared with students until you share it from the Reports tab.
- Uploaded files, drawings, and performances - Go to the grading screen, click the "Hand" icon next to the student's name. You can adjust the scoring slider here (for example while grading a performance). To see uploaded work or a drawing, click "? View."
Grading a Student Work Question Completed as part of a Bubble Sheet Test
When administering the test, instruct students to leave bubbles blank for student work questions and to turn in their project, performance, or written essay on another sheet along with their bubble sheet test. When you grade, scan the bubble sheet, then click the "hand" icon on the grading screen (or if you're using ASSIST on a phone or tablet, click "Questions" and choose the question). Refer to your rubric and use the slider to set the points.
Student Work (Extended Response, Drawing, Performance) - Steps for Students
If testing with computers, Chromebooks, or tablet devices, students can submit essays, drawings, or performance questions. You can grade these submissions with a rubric or a simple point slider (see above sections for instructions on adding and grading these question types).
In the Student Portal site on the student device, when students click on an assessment with a student work question included, they will see four options: Upload File, Google Doc, Type In Work, and Draw Answer.
Note: If you activated the test with the "Kick students out of assessment if they leave the assessment screen" security option enabled, then they can only use the "Type In Essay" option.
Upload File (PowerPoint presentation, Word doc, etc.)
Students will click Upload File > Choose File > navigate to the file and select it > Open > Upload File.
Performances may be executed live before the teacher (in which case the teacher will handle the grading, or you may be asked to make a video or audio recording or take a picture and upload it. For that, see the "Upload a File" section above.
Google Doc
To attach a Google Doc, students will click Google Doc. If they are not signed into their Google Account, they'll be prompted to choose their account, allow the connection, and sign in. When signed into their Google Account, they'll see a window showing the contents of their Google Drive.
They can then click on the desired file and click "Select." They'll then see the message "Your work has been submitted," with the option to Delete and Replace if needed.
Type In Work
To type in an Extended Response, students will click "Type in work." They'll then type using familiar word-processing tools.
When finished, they'll click Upload Work and see the message indicating their work has been submitted with the option to Edit and Replace if needed.
Draw Answer
To draw an answer, students will click on "Draw Answer." They'll then draw using the "Pencil" option with five different line widths, an erasure, and several colors.
When finished, they'll click "Upload Work" and see the message indicating their work has been submitted with the option to Edit and Replace.
Use Quadratic, Linear, and Exponential equation questions with an interactive graph for students to plot their answers.
Go to Insert > Question > Graphing
Enter the question stem using the equation editor for any equations.
Scroll down and select your graph settings.
Click the correct points on the graph. For linear equations that have a solution set, click “Solution Set Mode.”
Click “Save Question.”
Students answer by writing a basic equation.
- In the Authoring Tool, go to Insert>Question>Equation
- Type in your question
- Scroll down to see the calculator and toggle Simple or Complex
- Enter in the solution. (Students must enter this exactly to receive full credit.)
- Click Save Question when you are finished
Griddable Bubble Sheet Questions
While griddable grading is planned for a future update of ALL In Learning, currently we have a simple workaround:
When creating your test in ALL In Learning, use the Short Answer question type for that question and input the correct answer. Students can use a separate hard copy sheet with the griddable grid needed. If part of a Bubble Sheet graded test, first scan the ALL In Learning bubble sheet, and then click the "hand" icon next to the student's name to mark their griddable correct or incorrect while examining their griddable sheet. See this section above for details on short answer questions.
See instructions here for creating Drag & Drop questions. Or see this quick video.
Hot Text questions require students to click the correct word or phrase in the text. Below are the steps for using the Hot Text question type.
Note: Any equation created by the Math EQ Equation Editor cannot be selected.
- In the Authoring Tool, click Insert > Question > Hot Text.
- Type out the question in the Question Stem field.
- Highlight the sentence or word you would like the student to click. (Note: You can highlight multiple words or sentences for multiple correct answers.)
- Under the Question Stem, click “Add New Correct Text Selection From Selected Text.” Correct answers will appear in a green box below the Question Stem.
To add a distractor, highlight a word or sentence in the Question Stem field then click “Add Distractor From Selected Text.” Distractors will appear in a red box below the Question Stem.
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question” when all done.
- As students work on a Hot Text question in the Student Portal, they can click the words or sentences directly in the question to highlight them as correct.
- Questions will automatically be counted as correct if the student selected the correct word or phrase.
You can also manually grade Hot Text questions. Simply go to the assessment manual grading screen (If not in the grading screen, go to Lessons/Assessments > My Assessments > [find your assessment] > Activate > Manual Grading > Start.) and click the hand next to a student name. Move the slider to “1” for full credit or keep it at “0” for no credit. (Note: click the question mark to view the question as the student would.)
Hot Spot questions require a student to select a particular point (or multiple points) in an image. Below are the steps for using the HotSpot question type.
- In the authoring tool, click insert>Question>Hot Spot
Type out the question in the Question Stem field. Then, insert an image, copying and pasting it directly into the Question Stem field or clicking the image icon on the toolbar and upload an image from your files.
- Highlight the image by clicking directly on it or clicking and dragging your cursor over the image.
- Scroll down and click “Convert Image to Hot Spot Canvas”
- Click on a specific place on the image to add a Hot Spot. You may add multiple Hot Spots to one image. Note: To answer the question, students will click on a Hot Spot or Hot Spots. If the question has multiple correct answers, the number of correct answers will determine how many Hot Spots the student can select. For example, if there are two correct answers, the student can click a maximum of two Hot Spots.
There are five options for editing each Hot Spot.
Highlight - Turns the Hot Spot circle red, indicating which Hot Spot you are currently working with.
Increase Size and Decrease Size - Widens or shrinks a specific Hot Spot circle (i.e., the area the student can click). You can increase and decrease size of all Hot Spots at once with the Increase Size All and Decrease Size All buttons.
Distractor - Makes a specific Hot Spot a wrong answer
Delete Hot Spot - Deletes Hot Spot. - To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question.”
How to grade Hot Spot questions
Hot Spot questions are graded automatically based on how many Hot Spots are in the question. For example, if there are 5 Hot Spots, the student can receive full credit (5 out of 5) or partial credit (4 out of 5), etc.
In-Line Choice Picklist (Drop Down)
Below are the steps for using the in-line choice picklist question type.
(See a video of these steps here.)
In the Authoring Tool, click Insert>Question>Hybrid Technology Enhanced
- Type out the question in the Question Stem field
- Highlight the text within the question that you would like a drop-down selection for. The word, sentence, and/or number you highlight should be the answer to the question. For example. You could write "2 x 2 = 4." For this, highlight the "4."
- Scroll to the bottom of the Question Stem field and click “Add New Drop-Down Selection From Selected Text”
This will add a light blue section titled Drop Down Answer with the item you highlighted.
- Click “Add New Drop Down Selection Distractors” to add wrong answer choices
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question.”
Below are the steps for using the In-line short text answer.
Note: Any equation created by the Math EQ Equation Editor cannot be highlighted as an answer
- In the authoring tool, click Insert>Question>Hybrid Technology Enhanced
- Type a question in the Question Stem
- Type in the desired short answer response
- Highlight the short answer response and click “Add Short Answer From Selected Text”
A light blue box titled Short Answer will appear with the correct answer inside. - To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question.”
Note: When grading the In-Line Short Text Answer, ALL In Learning will only mark exact matches, including capitalization, as correct.
Below are the steps for using In-Line Extended Answer
- In the authoring tool, click Insert>Question>Hybrid Technology Enhanced
- Type a question in the Question Stem
- Place your cursor wherever you want the student to type a long answer response and click “Add Long Answer at Selected Spot”
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question.”
Matching questions can take all shapes and sizes and methods and there's not a specific Matching Question option. However, there are several good ways to do matching questions with ALL In Learning:
- Short Answer questions (See Short Answer Questions section above).
- Multiple Choice by using up to MC12 (A-L) and grading the questions manually or with Engage & Learn. (See Multiple Choice section above for more information.
- Multiple Choice 5 (MC5) by altering the questions so that they can fit into an MC4 or MC5 framework to be easily scanned or answered with clickers.
Match Table Grid (or "Matrix") questions look like a table with questions (or prompts) on the left side and answers along the top. To respond, students refer to the question on the left and click to the box to the right in their chosen answer column.
Match Table Grid is often used for an overarching question (or scenario) with multiple related sub questions or prompts. It's also used for surveys with repeated answers such as "Strongly agree," "Agree," etc.
- In the authoring tool, click insert>Question>Match Table Grid
- Type out a question in the Question Stem Field.
Below the Question Stem Field, you’ll see a blank table to fill out.
- The top left text box is a label that describes the row of prompts or questions below it.
- The top text boxes defaulted to “Option” are answers that represent the checkboxes in their respective rows. For example, if the question is “Choose the part of speech that matches each word,” you could type “Noun” in one box and “Verb” in the second box.
- By default, the table has three text boxes at the top. To add another text box, click either the blue plus on the right or the green “Add Column” button.
Choose the correct answer by clicking the appropriate text boxes. Here is a completed table from the examples above.
- Click the red trash cans to delete a row or column.
Click the green “Inline labels” to add the labels next to each checkbox.
- To add a passage, click "Add Passage," enter the passage in the passage area to the left, and be sure to save it. (To link multiple questions to one passage, go to the first question that had the passage entered and click "Add Question to Passage" in place of step one above.)
- Attach a standard.
- Click “Save Question.”
- Match Table Grid questions are graded automatically with a simple slider.
- You can also manually grade. Simply go to the assessment manual grading screen (If not in the grading screen, go to Lessons/Assessments > My Assessments > [find your assessment] > Activate > Manual Grading > Start.) and click the hand next to a student name. Move the slider to indicate how many checkboxes are correct.
Creating passages with attached questions is simple. A passage can have multiple questions attached, but a question can also have multiple passages attached to a question (which may consist of figures, diagrams, images, etc.).
- Start by adding the first (or only) question that will be attached to your passage(s). (See steps above).
- Select the question thumbnail on the left to see the authoring tool.
- Click the "Add Passage" option on the right.
This will open the Passage authoring tool, where you can type or copy/paste your passage. Click "Save Passage Data" when finished and click the "X" at the upper right to close the passage authoring window. - To edit the passage, click "Edit Passage."
- To add more passages to this question, click the "+Add" tab.
- To view or edit one of multiple passages, select the tab with the passage name you entered.
- To add more questions for the passage(s), click "Add Question for this passage." Note that clicking the thumbnail (left) for any question added this way will allow you to click "view passages" and see the same passages are attached.
Note: Additional questions can be added to a pre-existing passage by clicking View Passage> Add question for this passage.
To change question weighting, and how Rubrics affect question weighting, please see our help desk article on this subject.
Almost any question type can be used for a survey - multiple choice, short answers, extended responses, etc.
Clickers are a terrific tool to do surveys for engagement and in-class fun or discussion. These can be pre-written question activated for Clickers or WebClickers, or they can be on-the-fly with no prep.
Need Anonymity?
If you are using clickers or bubble sheets, you can create an anonymous roster to use, which has invented or encrypted student names.
If you are using student devices and the Student Portal, students must log in. Therefore, the only way for the teacher not to be able to see who submitted a specific response is for another designated teacher account (which their teacher cannot access) to have a class with those students in it (this can be manually created and managed and would not sync with your SIS) and to activate the assessment for that class to launch in the student portals.
Character Recognition
At this point, character recognition images or drawings is not an available grading option. For essays and other character-type questions, we recommend using Student Work questions (see above).
If you have questions about other question-type options, please let us know so we can include them here.
Keywords: Inline Drawn Draw TEI