Drag and Drop Questions


This article is specifically about Drag & Drop questions. To see all question types available in ALL In Learning, see this article.

Drag and Drop questions are Technology Enhanced Items that allow a student to drag an answer choice to a "drop spot." These drop spots can be a list, inline with text, in a table, etc.

Note: Any equation created by the Math EQ Equation Editor cannot be selected as a drop spot.

Drag and Drop questions may allow students to drop answers in any of the spots (for example, a "pick all that apply" list with some incorrect answers (distractors), or may require students to place each answer in a specific spot (for example, an ordered list from least to greatest). Both are explained in the following steps:


Creating Drag and Drop Questions:

(See a video of these steps here.)

  1. Go to the Lessons/Assessments tab. Then get to the Editor either by creating a new assessment (Create New>Custom Assessment) or editing an existing one (Actions > Edit).
  2. In the Lesson Editor, click Insert > Drag & Drop
  3. In the Question Stem field enter the question and place the correct answers where their "drop spots" should be.
  4. To allow correct answers to be placed in any order:
    Include the answer options in the Question Stem field where you want the drop spots to appear, select one of the answers (ex: the word "blue"), and click "Add New Drop Spot From Selected Text."


    Below the Question Stem you'll see a new "dropspot1" field containing the selected text (in this case, the word "Blue").

    To add more correct answer options to the same Drop Spot: Select another correct answer in the question stem field (in this example: "Red"), click "Add Selected Text to Drop Spot." Do the same for all other correct answers. Note these correct answers are under the same "dropspot1." They can be dropped in that drop spot in any order and count as correct as long as the student chooses all three. Screen_Shot_2021-09-13_at_9.40.50_PM.png

    To add a Distractor (wrong answer): Click "Add New Distractor" and enter a wrong answer (ex: Green). If the student chooses this answer they will be incorrect for this question.  Click "Add New Distractor" again to add another Distractor. 

    Click Save & Add New to add another question, or click "Save & Close" to be taken back to the list of questions.

    On the question list screen, click Actions > View Question to preview the question as it will look and function for students.


  5. To require each answer to be dropped in a specific spot:
    1. Include the answer options in the Question Stem field where you want the drop spots to appear, select one of the answers (ex: the word "blue"), and click "Add New Drop Spot From Selected Text."


      Do this for each answer, adding a new drop spot for each one. This will create multiple drop spots with one answer in each. They will get the question correct only if they drop each answer in the right drop spot.

      If you need distractors (wrong answer options), add them as described above.

  6. To make drop spots take up 100 percent of the available width, toggle the "Use Full Width Drop Spots" button. This is especially helpful when using longer sentences as drop spots.




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