Create an Assessment from Item Bank Questions


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If your school has content uploaded as item banks or has purchased premium item banks through ALL In Learning such as Pearson, ALL STAAR Math, etc., creating an assessment of professionally-written questions can take seconds. Additionally, some premium item banks are provided for free from ALL In Learning.

There are two ways to get to item banks under Lessons/Assessments: Through the Item Banks tab and through the Create New button.

Create Item Banks Using the Item Banks Tab
Create Item Banks Using the Create New Button
Item Banks and Passages
Publish Your Own Item Banks


Using the "Item Banks" Tab

The easiest way to access item banks is the Item Banks tab located on the left side of your Lessons / Assessment page.


You can use this tab to narrow a search by Tag (such as grade and subject) or click the "Search by Standard" option to reveal item banks that match your specific standard. Here are a few examples of ways you can use the Item Banks tab to create assessments.

Creating an Item Bank Assessment when Searching by Standard

1. Select the option to search for Item Banks by standard


2. You can then select any standard and if your school has content that matches that standard, they will be displayed below the search box.


If no content shows, then your school may not have content for that standard. We host content from some textbook publishers as well as premium content that your school can purchase from ALL In Learning.

Your school can also host their own content as Item Banks from textbooks your school has purchased by uploading ExamView files or custom assessments you have created yourself. More information about how to do this is below.

3. Once you've found Item Banks, click View Items on the one you want to choose from, select the questions you want to use, and click “Create Assessment” to load the questions into a new assessment.

        Itemb bank screenshot.jpg 

Creating an Item Bank Assessment when Searching by Tag

1. Select the option to search for Item Banks by Tag. Please note that you already have default tags set based on your class subject and grade level. You can delete these and set new ones at any time.

2. You can search for Item Banks by Grade tag, Subject Category tag, or custom tags. These custom tags can be for a specific custom Item Bank that your school purchased, like "STAAR" or "Pearson," or custom tags from custom item banks that your administrator created.


If you would like to see all of your available Item Banks, delete all the tags by clicking the 'X' next to the tag name.

3. Once you've found Item Banks, click View Items on the one you want to choose from, select the questions you want to use, and click “Create Assessment” to load the questions into a new assessment.


Using the "Create New" Button

Under Lessons/Assessments, there is a button called "Create New," which will show all the ways you can create an assessment, including from the item banks you have access to. Follow these steps to create an assessment of items by using the Create New button:

1. On the Lessons/Assessments tab, click Create New.


1.  Name and classify your assessment,

2.  In the Assessment Type drop down, click Item Bank. 

3. Drill down into the Standards document to select your designated standard.

4. Select the bank that is found to have the selected standard in the Choose Item Bank window below.

    Item bank screenshot 4.jpg

5. Select the Item Bank you want to access and click View. 

6. Select the questions you want to use and click Import. Be sure to click the Save Question when you are done.


Item Banks with Passages

ALL In Learning makes it easy to use your favorite English and Language Arts content with passages, whether you want several different passages for your exam or just one!

If the Item Bank or Standard you are using refers to a passage, you will see a "View Passage" link below the slide.


If you click that link, you can read the passage that your students will read when they take the assessment. You can also print that passage, or get all the questions associated with that passage into one assessment.

    Item Bank screenshot 2.jpg

Once you have selected and imported your questions into your assessment, you can also view the passage by clicking the "View Passage" link underneath the correct answer option on the Question Properties column.

    Item bank screenshot 3.jpg

For assessment with passages, you can print out the passage and give a hard-copy to your students to take with clickers or bubble-sheets, or you can activate the assessment with ALL In Learning's Student Portal.

If your students use the Student Portal to take an assessment, they will see the passage on the left side of the screen. 



Create Your Own Item Banks For Your Campus

You can create your own custom Item Banks for your teachers at your campus or district to use. This is a great option for textbook content that ALL In Learning does not have hosted, but for which you have ExamView files that you can upload into ALL In Learning.

To publish an assessment as an Item Bank, you will need to have a Campus or District Administrator account in ALL In Learning. 

First, create your assessment, and then once you have finished, return back to your Lessons / Assessment tab.

For that assessment, hover over Actions, and click on the option, Publish as Item Bank.


In the modal that opens, make sure your title and set the details of the Item Bank in such a way that your teachers can easily find it. The tags you choose can be generic subject and grade level tags, or they can be very specific and customized to the teachers that need them. 

For this example, I used the generic "third" and "math" tags, but also a custom tag my team uses in preparation for the state exam, "staar-prep." The teachers can now use that tag to search specifically for this item bank.



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