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You can export your tests from ExamView and import them into ALL In Learning as Lessons/Assessments to use with any of ALL In Learning's amazing features.
How to Import ExamView Files
First, in ExamView:
- Open the ExamView® Test Generator software.
- Create a new or open an existing test.
- Under the 'File' menu:
- Choose 'Export',
- Then choose 'Blackboard 6.0-7.0...'.
- In the 'Export Test' dialog, give the exported file a name.
- In the 'Export to Blackboard 6.0-7.0' dialog, set these fields:
'Name:' - you can use the test name here
'Formatting:' - use the default, 'HTML without default fonts'
'Directory Name:' - you should use a unique name here - Click the 'OK' button when you are done.
Then, in ALL In Learning:
- Go to the Lessons / Assessments tab and click “Create New.”
- Click the option to import ExamView.
- Complete the sections that have asterisks, plus any other fields you wish to complete. These descriptions will help you and others search for this lesson.
- Click Next. This opens the Import Examview File dialog.
- Click “Choose File,” select your file, and then click “Upload File.” The upload will process.
- You should see a prompt showing how many questions the file contains. If this is correct, click “Insert Key,” and click “Close.” If you only wanted the answer key created so you could grade bubble sheets easily, you are finished. If you will be displaying the questions on a projector or on iOS devices in Engage & Learn, continue.
- To attach standards to each question, click the "Attach Standards" link on the Question Properties column on the right, drill down to the standard body you would like, place a checkmark next to the standard(s) you want to be attached to this question, and then click "close" at the bottom of the window.
- When finished, click the Save button on the upper left corner of the Lesson Editor, and click "My Assessments" on the upper left.
1. ExamView’s exported .zip files do not contain any information on standards that may have been attached in the original lesson. Standards will need to be attached after importing into ALL In Learning. For this reason, if you only need the key and standards in ALL In Learning, it may be preferable to simply use the quick key interface.
1. ExamView’s exported .zip files do not contain any information on standards that may have been attached in the original lesson. Standards will need to be attached after importing into ALL In Learning. For this reason, if you only need the key and standards in ALL In Learning, it may be preferable to simply use the quick key interface.