The AI Writing Workshop is an essay revision tool that provides students with immediate feedback and direct access to live teacher comments, helping them improve steadily with each revision as they prepare for their final draft.
Scroll down to see the steps written out. For a slide show illustrating the steps click here.
Creating and Activating an AI Writing Workshop
- Click Lessons/Assessments>My Assessments
- Click Create New>AI Writing Workshop
- Fill in all the information in the Properties menu
- Type the essay prompt in the Question Stem and describe the grading criteria. AI will use this criterion for feedback unless you add a pre-loaded State Rubric (blue button on the right).
- If needed, add standards, adjust the point value, or add a Passage to the question
- When you are done, click Save Question and move to the next question.
- After the assessment is created, click File>Save
- Go back to the "My Assessments" list
- Find the assessment you created and click Activate>AI Writing Workshop
- Click Start on the class you want to activate for
- Choose the amount of revisions required for the student.
- Select your remaining assessment settings and click Next.
- Click Activate.
AI Writing Workshop in the Student Portal
- Click Launch Assessment
- Click Type in work
- Type in your answer
- When finished, click Upload Work
- Review the auto-populated AI feedback (The revision feedback points won't contribute to the final score.)
- If necessary, reply to teacher comments
- Click Revision 2>Type in Work
- Continue the process until you've uploaded the final revision
- Click Next>I'm Finished
Important notes about uploading work:
- The student response on the Final Revision will determine their score (not the revision scores).
- Students can click Edit & Replace to revise or continue their responses.
- Students must click Upload for their work to save
Providing Feedback as The Teacher
First, open the grading screen (Home>Active Sessions>Activate).
The students are listed on the left and the feedback is to the right of each student. The darker blue indicates what revision the student is currently on.
Note: The grade (on the left) won't appear until the final revision is graded.
Any finished Revisions have a checkmark next to them. Click Feedback to view the student response and you send a message directly to the student.
Teachers can only move the slider and edit the feedback for the final revision. When all the students are done, click End Session.
additional keywords: AI grading writing workshop feedback