AI Grading Copilot


With ALL In Learning’s AI Grading Copilot, teachers get an instant analysis of student work (constructed responses) and a recommended score to consider.

Districts can enable the AI Grading Copilot option to save teachers time, facilitate frequent data, promote consistency, and to provide feedback-for-learning to all students, quickly.

Click the following links to learn how


Create questions Suited for AI Grading Copilot

Grading with AI-Assistance

Reports for AI-Graded Questions


Create questions Suited for AI Grading Copilot

AI-Assisted Grading is available for assessments activated for the Student Portal, where students completed a Student Work response using the “Type Your Work” option. 

For more information about Student Work questions, click here.

The AI will use intructions in the question stem as criteria for grading. If the question goes with a passage, then the passage must be included via the "Add Passage" feature. For more on adding a passage, click here.

Here is an example of a well-optimized question for use with AI Grading Copilot and steps for how it was created. The example includes a passage, however, a passage is not required for AI Assisted Grading.

  1. Click Lessons/Assessments > Create New > Custom Lesson/Assessment
  2. Click Insert > Student Work (Graded with AI)
  3. Click Add Passage on the right side of the screen
  4. Enter the passage using the authoring tools
  5. Save your passage
  6. Enter your Question in the Question Stem field and describe the grading criteria to students. It's important to note, AI-Assisted Grading will use this criteria for grading.

  7. Click Save Question.
  8. Add Standards on the right.
  9. Set the granularity of the points slider on the right.
  10. Click File > Save 

Creating questions with a State Rubric

All in Learning automatically provides State Rubrics for Student Work simple slider questions. Assisted AI Grading will provide an analysis and suggested score based on the State Rubric attached to the assessment.

To add the Rubric, create a Student Work (Graded with AI) question (steps above) and click the blue "Add State Rubric" button on the right. 


A list of all available rubrics will appear. Click "Insert" on the rubric you would like to attach. Now when the assessment is activated and you are ready to grade, AI Assisted Grading will grade against the chosen rubric.


Grading with AI-Assistance

If AI grading is turned on for your district and students have completed the question(s), grading for Student Work questions will start automatically when opening the grading screen. It may take several seconds to grade, depending on the number of Student Work questions and number of students.

Once the grading process is complete, Click the hand icon next to the student’s name, then click the “View” button to review the question, the student response, the AI score, and the AI feedback.


Consider all the evidence and adjust the score to your judgment. You may also click "Edit Feedback For Student" and then click in the text box to edit or add your own feedback. Click "Save Feedback" when you're done.


Reports for AI-Graded Questions

When the grading is complete and the session is turned into a Report, view the student response and feedback again by going to the Report and clicking Student Analysis>Student Feedback by Question>View Student Work. You can also click "Post to Student Portal," so that students can learn from the feedback.


Insight to Action

Insight to Action is a report for AI Graded Student Work questions that analyzes student performance, based on the initial teacher and AI grading, to provide specific areas for improvement while celebrating a student’s success in other areas. 

Note: Insight to Action works best when a rubric is attached to the question.


To view Insight to Action data, open a Report and click the tab furthest to the right that says “AI: Insight to Action.”

If there are no Student Work questions in the assessment, you will see a message saying as such. Otherwise, you will see a list of all the Student Work questions. Click the drop-down arrow to see data for a specific question.

The green bar at the top represents the percentage of students who did well on certain criteria from the Rubric, while the red bar indicates students who need improvement. Click on the red student name to view their response and the teacher’s feedback. See data for other criteria on the Rubric by clicking the bars on the left.

Please note that every Insight to Action report will have different criteria based on the State Rubric provided. If you do not see a student in your Insight to Action data, it may mean the student’s response did not fit any of the grading criteria because the system considered their writing an anomaly. We recommend going to Student Analysis>Student Feedback by Question>View Student Work to see how this student answered. 

keywords: AI Grading A.I. AI-Grading A.I.-Grading A.I.-Assisted A.I-Assisted A.I-Grading AIAssisted AIGrading ChatGPT OpenAI Essays Extended Constructed Response 

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