Using STAAR Answer Keys and Mock STAAR Item Banks


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ALL In Learning provides Texas schools with Mock STAAR items and actual STAAR answer keys ready to be used with STAAR Released Tests downloaded from the TEA's website.

Using Mock STAAR Items
In your Item Bank Portal menu (in the Lessons/Assessments tab), you should find mock STAAR items ready to use. See this article to learn how to search and use Item Banks. If you are a Texas school and do not see mock STAAR items, please contact support so that we can make sure they are available to you. 

Using STAAR Answer Keys with STAAR Released Tests
We have already loaded the STAAR Released Answer Keys into Item Banks for you. (If you are in Texas and don't see them in your Item Bank Portal, contact ALL In Learning tech support.) These answer keys allow you to create and share the STAAR Answer Keys with your PLC or campus. Follow the steps below for creating a STAAR answer key.

Note: ALL In Learning only has the STAAR answer keys. You can find released STAAR test questions on the TEA website.


You'll first need to create a lesson to share by importing the STAAR released answer keys from the ALL In Learning Item Bank library.

1. Click the Lessons / Assessment tab, select My Assessments, and choose Create New.



2. In the window that opens, click on Item Banks.

    STAAr Item Bank.jpg


3. Name the assessment you are creating. Our recommendation is that you name it after the answer key you are importing. For example, "2015 5th Grade Reading STAAR Exam."

4. The slide editing program will open, with the Item Banks window opening in the middle.  Either scroll through the bottom list to pick the STAAR Release test you need, or type staar into the Search bar.


5. Select the answer key you need by clicking on the link.

6. At the top of the interface that opens, click Select All, then, at the bottom click Import.


Be sure to wait for all the slides to import. This may take a minute, but don't hit import again or you will import the slides all again.

7. After the slides import (it could take a minute), click Close.

8. Scroll to the top to the AL box - the top, dark gray box on the left side of the interface - to review the Assessment Key summary which details the correct answers and the standards, which are already linked to the questions.


9. The assessment auto-saves, but it's always helpful to click the Save button before clicking to go back to your Lessons / Assessment tab.

Now that the answer key is created, follow these links to activate it for your students, or share it to your PLC or the teachers on your campus.

These answers key align with the TEA STAAR Released tests which can be downloaded and printed from the TEA website.

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