Use the Curricula tab to quickly find content assets available to you from licensed publishers, from ALL In Learning, or from your institution.
Eureka, Amplify, Carnegie, HMH Aligned Assessments
If your institution is licensing Eureka, Amplify, Carnegie, or HMH, click Lessons/Assessments>Curricula.
Click the premium content you would like to view, then select a grade.
You will see all our assets divided by modules and sub-modules. Here, you can preview and activate each available asset. Click Save document as default so your current page appears every time you click Curricula.
In the example below, I opened the Carnegie Math 6th Grade Scope and Sequence. Module 1 has four sub-modules. (Note: the naming scheme may be different based on the content.)
I clicked Topic 1 and saw it contains 1 assessment. I clicked "1 Assessment" and it was listed for preview or activation.
There are several options under Actions. You can get an embed link to share with teachers or post for students, and print the questions or the answer key.
Note: Activated assessments from Scope and Sequence do not appear in the My Assessments tab. You can find them on the home page under Active Sessions.
Find Content Assets by Standard
To select a standard, click Lessons/Assessments>Curricula>Change curricula document. You can search with grade and subject filters or you can select a specific standard document.
Once a standard body has loaded, you will see a document of assets for that standard. Click Save document as default to have the standard document appear the next time you click Curricula. (Note: You can always remove a document as default.)
On the standard document you can directly click on the asset type, preview it, or activate it.
In this example, for standard MA.3.1.E, I've clicked the Fun Activity button to show automatically that standard's Fun Activity ALL In Learning Asset.
Allowable file types for custom uploads
Here is a list of allowable types for uploading your own custom assets.
- doc
- docx
- xls
- xlsx
- ppt
- pptx
- txt
- csv
- tst
- cps
- mdb
- avi
- mov
- mpeg
- mpg
- mpe
- qt
- rv
- wav
- rpm
- ra
- ram
- mpga
- mp2
- ogg
- mp3
- mid
- midi
- bmp
- gif
- jpg
- png