ALL In Learning makes it easy to organize and view your MAP data. We will categorize your data in color-coded graphs and tables, so you can easily evaluate student performance and see problem areas.
To import MAP growth data, an administrator or District Assessment coordinator must log into the MAP suite (, consent to data sharing, then contact ALL In Learning to request a connection. If you need assistence with this process, please contact support.
We can then start a connection with your MAP growth data. It may take 24-48 hours before the data appears in your ALL In Learning account.
To view your MAP data, click Reports>MAP Reports, then click on the red, underlined grade/subject.
How To Read Your MAP Data
The first screen includes a list of distinct tests and the overal percentage of students, per test, who met each Achievement Percentile Range (T3, T2, T1).
Click on the red, underlined Grade/Subject to see how each campus performed on the test. The pie chart on the top left provides a visual representation of the overal percentage of students who met each Achievement Percentile Range.
The MAP STAAR Predictor on the top right provides a likely STAAR outcome depending on the student's scores on a given MAP test. The predictor is based on a linking study conducted by the NWEA.
Click on a campus to see individual student results. The pie chart and MAP STAAR now displays data based only on students in the particular campus.
additional keywords: MAP, Data