PLCs and Data Teams


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This article discusses PLCs and Data Teams and how to set them up and begin collecting data. Read through the article to get an overview, or use the links below to jump to the section you need!

What is a PLC?
Mastery Process
Creating and Managing a PLC as an Administrator
Setting a Team Leader
Creating and Managing a PLC as  Team Leader


What is a PLC?

A PLC (Professional Learning Community, also called a Data Team) is a regular meeting of a department's teachers (example: 9th Grade Science) to review student performance data, collaborate on teaching methods and materials, and set and accomplish team objectives. The PLC concept is backed by significant research and proven results.

ALL In Learning makes these activities simple and automatic, so PLC meetings can be focused on targeted student learning.

Each teacher has a PLC tab under "Reports," to see aggregated PLC Reports. See this article for details: Reports for Teachers>>


Mastery Process

ALL In Learning's Mastery Process is a research-based feature that in itself has helped data teams outperform the other departments in their district. It starts with a pre-test before a unit of instruction, then helps your team analyze the data, identify weak areas, and set individual goals and teaching strategies. It then ends with a post-test for analysis of what methods worked and areas that need more work. Read the dedicated Mastery Process help center article for instructions on how to proceed.


Administrator: Creating a PLC

Admins can directly create and manage users in PLCs, or can designate Team Leaders who can create and manage their own PLCs. Here are explanations for doing both:

1. Creating a PLC Team as an Administrator

A PLC can be created and managed by an Administrator or by a teacher who has been designated by the administrator as a Team Leader.

To create a PLC and assign members, log in to your ALL In Learning account and click on your Administration tab, then click on the PLC / Data Team sub-tab.

From here you will be able to create a new PLC, delete existing PLCs, and manage the PLC members.

To create a new PLC, click on the Create New button at the top of the page.


You will be prompted to give the new PLC a name, and the newly created PLC will be added to the bottom of the list.

Once you've created a new PLC, click on the "Add/Edit Team Members" button to add any current teacher to the PLC, and click on the check-box to make a teacher a Team Leader.


A Team Leader will be a teacher who has the ability to invite new teachers to the PLC, remove teachers from a PLC, and create brand new PLCs themselves. Ideally, the Team Leader will be one of the departmental teachers who attends the PLC meetings.

From here you can also click on the "Add Teachers" button to invite more teachers to join the PLC. Once a teacher is added, they can also be removed by clicking on the "Remove" link.


2. Setting up Team Leaders without having to create PLCs

Another option for Administrators who don't want to create a PLC is to assign teachers as Team Leaders under User Management.

When a teacher is changed to a Team Leader, they can create PLCs and invite teachers from the campus to join them.

To set a teacher as a Team Leader, log in to your ALL In Learning account, click on your Administration tab, and then click on the Teachers & Admins sub-tab. From there you will be able to edit the User Type for your teachers from Teacher to Team Leader.


 The Team Leader will be able to create and manage PLCs from their account by following the directions in the next section.


Team Leader: Creating and Managing a PLC

To create and manage a PLC as a Team Leader, first ensure that your Administrator has changed your user account from Teacher to Team Leader. This will give you the ability to create and invite teachers to your PLC.

To create a new PLC, log in to your account, click the PLC/Data Teams tab, click "Add New PLC" on the left, type a name and click Save.

Note the available option to "Show only common Reports." Normally, PLC members can see all of each other's reports, but if this option is selected, only the common assessments will show up in the PLC area.

To add team members, click the name of the PLC, then click "Team Members," and then "Add Teachers." The Team Leader can remove teachers from the team by clicking "Remove" next to the teachers' names in the "Team Leaders" tab.

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