Preparing for a New School Year: Best Practices for Admins


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This article explains how ALL In Learning handles the transition from one school year to the next, so admins can better manage changes to students, classes, and staff within ALL In Learning.

Note that each section describes both Auto-Sync (Clever and Aware) setups and Manual options.

Managing Year-To-Year Changes in Your Campus Student Population

Managing Students Manually

The easiest way to manually manage students is to import them via CSV file. (See instructions here.) During this import, new students will be added, edited student records will be updated, and students exiting your campus will be archived without losing previous years' reports.

We recommend that admins do an initial Student CSV upload so that teachers have access to the new students to create their classes at the beginning of the year. At the beginning of each school year, teachers are prompted with a link to automatically "clean out their classes" and start with a clean slate before making new classes. Once teachers have used that link (and likely created their new classes), the admin may wish to do another CSV import for the purpose of archiving students who are no longer in any active classes.  

You can also add, edit, or delete students manually in the Administration > Campus Students tab. 

For Clever or Eduphoria Aware Auto-Sync Schools:

Since students are automatically synced, you may not need to do anything to manage them, as long as the information is correct in your Student Information System (SIS). Campus students will be added, edited, or archived to reflect what is in the SIS.


Managing Year-To-Year Changes in Your Class Rosters

 After that, the following may apply:

Managing Classes Manually

On August 1st of each year, teachers are given the option to delete all classes from their accounts, for a "clean slate" to initialize the new school year and prevent confusion. Then, teachers can create their classes manually in their Classes tab as normal. See the steps here. 

For Clever or Eduphoria Aware Auto-Sync Schools:

On August 1st of each year, teachers can delete all classes from all accounts, for a "clean slate" to initialize the new school year and prevent confusion. The automatic syncing of classes will add and edit classes automatically for teachers to match the way classes are set up in your SIS. However, (except for the August 1st "clean slate wipe) we do not delete classes from teacher accounts if they are not found in the SIS, because teachers have the ability to create "specialty rosters" manually for instructional purposes.  

Note that often, classes are organized in the SIS in smaller rosters (by demographic, for example) rather than having a single roster of all students present in the classroom. This setup would not work for activities such as clickers, where a single roster of all participating students is needed. If you're unable to get the complete rosters into your SIS (to sync into ALL In Learning) because of district SIS practices, teachers can quickly create the classes they need manually in ALL In Learning.


Managing Year-To-Year Changes in Your Staff

Managing Teachers Manually 

Campus admins can add and delete staff, or manage their roles, under Administration > Teachers & Admins. 

To add or move teachers to your campus, use the "Add" button. You'll be prompted to enter their email address and they will be sent an email asking them to create their account or approve being moved to your campus. Any newly added team leaders or admins will be added by default as teachers -- you'll need to change their role under the User Type column. 

To delete teachers from your campus, place a checkmark to the left of their name in your administration tab's "Teachers and Admins" section, and click "Delete." If you delete someone by mistake, use the Undelete feature.

For Clever or Eduphoria Aware Auto-Sync Schools:

Teacher accounts will be added to and deleted from your campus automatically during the auto-sync to match your SIS. Note that often, SIS admins add a teacher to a new campus in the SIS but do not remove the teacher from the campus they were in the previous year, and this will cause problems in ALL In Learning each time the auto-sync happens. The SIS needs to be "cleaned up" so that teachers only exist in one class. 

Note that you will need to manually manage your staff's roles. Team leaders and admins will be added by default as teachers -- you'll need to manually manage roles under Administration > Teachers & Admins.

Managing Previous Years' Report Data

On August 1st, in order to create a "clean slate" for teachers and admins, all the previous year's report data is moved out of most Reports views to the "Profiles" tab, searchable by student/group and date range, but out of the way for the new year's activity.

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