If you see this error when trying to log into your ALL In Learning account, it means your username has been found in our system, but the password you entered isn't correct for the account with that username.
Passwords have to be typed exactly correctly - same capital and lower-case letters, same characters, etc.
If you cannot remember your password:
- Go to plus.allinlearning.com.
- Click the "Forgot your password?" link on the login screen.
- Enter the email address on your ALL In Learning account (probably your school email address), and click "Email Password." A password-reset email will be sent to the email address you provide.
- Check your email for one from ALL In Learning with the subject line "Reset your ALL In Learning Password." Check your junk or spam folders if you can't find it.
- Then, click the link in the email. If security features in your school's email client prevent the link from working or if it opens in a browser other than Chrome, just open Chrome and copy and paste the entire link into the address bar.
- This will open a browser window showing the create new password page. (If instead you see a page that says "Unsupported Browser, open Google Chrome and copy paste the link from the email into Chrome's address bar. For more info, see this article.)
- Enter your new password and re-enter to confirm. The log in page will immediately open where you can log in with your new password.
- If you would like to change your password once logged in, go to the Settings menu (upper right) and choose "Manage Account" to enter the password you'd like to use from now on!
Still having trouble logging in? Click here for more help!