If your school is not syncing class rosters automatically with Google Classroom, Clever, AWARE or other methods, admins can upload a CSV file of the campus's students so that, when teachers add students to their roster, the information will autocomplete in the boxes as they type, making roster creation and maintenance easier.
To Upload Campus Students via CSV File:
- Obtain a CSV file of your students with separate columns containing this data: [First Name], [Last Name], and [Student ID]. Column headers (titles) are not necessary. We recommend you also include student email addresses. If using Google Classroom, see Note A below.
A. If you will be allowing teachers to sync with Google Classroom, you must include students' Google Classroom email addresses, or teachers will end up with confusing duplicate student records.
B. Students that are already in ALL In Learning will be recognized by their Student ID or email address (exact match), so duplicates will not be created, but any edits to their name will be applied. If Student ID or email address (if included) are not an exact match, a confusing duplicate record could result.
C. To keep the student list uncluttered for your team, any student who is not in your CSV file and is not currently in a class will be removed from your campus student list. (Past report data will still be available.) For this reason, we recommend you always upload a CSV file containing your entire current student population, rather than just new enrollees, for example.
D. If the CSV file is being produced on Microsoft Excel For Mac, choose the "Microsoft CSV" format to avoid mixed up column information.
If a student gets deleted unintentionally, you can import another version of your CSV file that includes them or you can add them individually - either option will recognize a deleted student and let you restore them. - Log into your ALL In learning administrator account.
- Go to the Administration tab, click "Student Import," and select "CSV Import."
Note: If Google Classroom is enabled for your campus, your CSV must contain the students' Google Classroom email addresses (the email addresses your students use to log into Google Classroom). - Click "Choose File," navigate to your desired CSV file and click "Open," and then click "Upload File."
- If your file has column titles in the first row, select the “Skip First Row (titles)” checkbox. This will disregard the first row, so if your first row is student data, do not select this option.
- For the field called "Select Student ID Column,"choose which column contains the Student ID, referring to the table at the bottom of the page showing a sample from your CSV file.
- Choose the correct columns in the remaining fields.
- When you are finished mapping the columns, click Next.
- Review the next screen, which shows you a preview of your import results. Make sure your mapping is correct and that everything appears as it should. If you need to make adjustments, go back and do so.
- Click "Import Now" and give the system a few moments to process until you see an “Import Complete” confirmation
"When I try to import my student CSV file, there’s one long row with names and other information all in that row or cell, not in columns. The formatting is all messed up."
We have seen this problem happen when a CSV file was saved in Excel for Mac. Open it in Excel and re-save it as "Windows Comma Separated Value" file type.
"When I try to import my student CSV file, the spinner just spins and it never finishes uploading."
This may be a problem with your browser. Restart your computer, and try again. If this doesn't help, please send your CSV file to support@allinlearning.com and explain what is going wrong so we can help.
"I accidentally imported my CSV file with the first name and last name mixed up, with the wrong Student ID, or another problem. What can I do?"
- As long as the Student ID was imported in the correct column, you can re-import your file, being sure to match the First and Last columns correctly, and we will correct the problem for you automatically. We'll recognize the Student ID and update the other fields.
- If your Student IDs were imported wrongly, and if none of the students have been added to classes, you should be able to import a corrected file, being sure to map the columns correctly, and those wrongly-imported records (being considered inactive because they aren't in any classes) will be removed automatically and the corrected ones will be added. If the students were in classes and have data which you wish to have assigned to the corrected student ID, we recommend importing your new corrected file and then using the Merge tool (in your Administration > Students tab) to merge them one at a time with the corrected record.
- If you have duplicate students and re-importing your file will not resolve them because both are either in a class or in your file, you may decide to use the "Merge Students" tool(in your Administration > Students tab) to merge the duplicate records one at a time. If you have a high number of duplicates, contact support. We'll help you find the best solution!
NOTE: No existing academic data can be destroyed by importing a CSV file incorrectly. Also note that depending on the scale and nature of the error, there may be little downside to leaving it there (for example the only time anyone sees it may be when teachers type students into their rosters and the auto-complete box displays those records that may match what they are typing).
Please email support@allinlearning.com for assistance and advice on resolving import errors.
Additional keywords: CSV comma separated separated values delimited export