Data Team Process (Mastery Process) Guide


The Data Team Process is a time-saving feature that gives PLCs and Data Teams a way to do a pretest, analyze the results, plan targeted remediation for each struggling student with goal setting, and then post-test and determine the need for further remediation.

Note: Before you begin, you'll need a PLC (Data Team) set up and to be logged in as the Team Leader. If you need help doing these things first, see this article.


Steps to Use the Data Team Process:

First, you need to determine how you will test for mastery and create the assessments. Often Data Teams will create their Post-Test, then use a slightly modified version of it as the Pre-Test. There are many methods of creating the test in ALL In Learning: You can create a simple key to use with hard copies or PDFs, import word files, choose questions from Item Banks, build custom questions for electronic use, and even more options. Some of this depends on whether you're using bubble sheets, electronic testing (Engage & Learn), clickers, web clickers, etc. Either way, your assessment will need standards attached. 
  1. To create a Mastery Process, a Team Leader will go to Data Teams > choose your data team >  Data Team Process tab > New.


  2. On the dialog that pops up, name the new process (often by Data Team name plus unit or standard, etc), set up your mastery level ranges, and click Next.


  3. Select the Pre-Test from your list. This is the Pre-Test assessment that each teacher will give to their students.

  4. Each team member should administer the assessment and grade by going to Data Teams > [your data team] > Data Team Process > [your Data Team Process] > Pre-Test > Activate Pre-Test. 


  5. After each teacher Activates the Pre-Test and collects their student’s results, Mastery Process will automatically aggregate the data for all Data Team members. Note the following: 

    The header in the image below shows you are on "Step 1. Collect and Chart Data"
    Each subsequent tab is a step in the Mastery Process 
    Data is automatically filled in for every teacher that graded this Pre-Test assessment


  6. During your next Data Team meeting, teachers should collaboratively fill out the Analyze, Goals and Strategies tabs focusing on the given module of instruction using results from the Pre-Test as a guide. 

    Note: It is always a good practice to select the Save Changes button after entering data into these tabs. 

    Note: Once the team leader has started a Mastery Process, any team member can print a Mastery Process template as a .pdf file. to work at their own pace by going to Data Team >  [their Data Team] > Data Team Process > Actions > Print.


  7. Individual team members should fill out Step 3 (Smart Goals) by selecting students that they expect to reach Exceeds on the Post Test. 


    Note: Students within 5 points of the Meets category and all students above the Meets category will be automatically pre-selected.

  8. Utilizing the instructional strategies you and your team planned for during class instruction. 

  9. Assess the Post-Test by doing the following: 

    a. Log in as the PLC's team leader 
    b. On the Lessons/Assessments tab, either create a new assessment (discussed in step 1 above), or make a copy of the Pre-Test Assessment (Actions>Copy) and rename it (Actions>Properties).

    Note: It is good practice to include the term Post-Test somewhere in the title!

    There are two ways to attach the Post-Test to a Mastery Process:

    a. On the Data Team Process tab, go to Actions > Attach Post-Test. 

    b. On the Post-Test tab in your Data Team Process, use the "Select Post-Test" button.

  10. Each team member should log in to their account and Activate this assessment in order to grade the student tests. The Pre-Test and Post-Test data will automatically be compared side by side.

  11. The last step in the process should be for the team to use the Reflect tab to document what worked and what did not work. Then, the Data Team Leader should select "Finish and Lock Mastery Process" in order to preserve this valuable experience for insight in teaching this instruction in future years. 

    Note: Once a Mastery Process is locked, no more revisions can be made! A copy of the finished Mastery Process is automatically sent to the administrator.

    Editing Mastery Level Names and Ranges

    Mastery level names and ranges can be set for each individual Data Team by their Team Leader. To edit the Mastery Level names, go to the Data Team tab > [your data team] > Data Team Info.



Frequently Asked Questions

When using Data Team Process, can/should every teacher in a Data Team give the same pre- and post-test assessments?

Yes, in order to aggregate the pre- and post-tests results, every teacher MUST give the same pre- and post-test assessment. Pre-Tests and Post-Tests can be linked directly to each Mastery Process which will facilitate easy Activation of the pre- and post-test assessments by the Data Team members.

Can standards be measured using Data Team Process?

Yes, standards assessed as part of pre- and post-test assessment are displayed with each Mastery Process.

How do teachers get absent students' scores into a Data Team Process?

In your Reports tab, select the report you wish to add absent-student scores to, click Actions > Re-Activate. (This should be the report that was initially created when the class was assessed - the report you have selected as your pre-test or post-test.)

Does Data Team Process require distributing the pre- or post-test to Data Team members through attaching them to each specific Data Team Process?

Yes, by sharing the Pre-Test or Post-Test using this feature, the system knows to automatically aggregate all individual teacher reports containing student data for that assessment into one Mastery Process report. 



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