How to Import Your STAAR Data





Table of Contents

How to Import Your STAAR Data
Campus Admin STAAR Reports
District Admin STAAR Reports


How to Import your STAAR Data

Campus and District admins can initiate a STAAR data import by contacting support and providing the 2023 STAAR End-of-Course Reporting Student Data File(s) or the 2023 STAAR Grades 3-8 Reporting Student Data File(s).

The formatting and instructions can be found here:

The data should be sent as txt. files. Usually the naming convention is the month and year they were released, whether 3-8 or EOC, the district's state ID, the district's name, and version number. For example: SF_0523_3-8_055555_DISTRICT NAME_V01.txt

Once the file is received, the STAAR data will be available in your account within 24-48 hours. 


How to Read Campus Admin STAAR Reports


To view your STAAR Reports, click Reports > STAAR Reports.

Most Texas campus admins already have their 2022 STAAR reports imported. If you requested an import from a different year, click the drop down box at the top of the screen and select from the available years. 

You’ll see reports covering the three Texas Student Achievement domains: (1) Student Achievement, (2) Student Progress, and (3) Closing the Gap. 

In the "Overall Score" box at the top, click on each domain to view a detailed breakdown. 

Domain 1


What will these reports allow you to see?

The first thing you will see is a bar graph displaying an overview of all the Domain 1 results. The STAAR Performance Standards for every STAAR test in a specific year are represented by bars, each showing the percentage of students who met each standard.

Scroll down to see the number of students who took each test, the Domain 1 scores for each test, and the percentage of students in each STAAR Performance Standard. Click the underlined numbers in the chart for a full list of the individual students in each category. 

The last row of the chart shows the total number of students who took the test and the number of students in each performance category.


Domain 2


What will these reports allow you to see?

In Domain 2, you will see several circular graphics for each STAAR subject. The green section indicates percent earned and the pink section indicates percent remaining. Hover over each section of the chart with your mouse to see the percentages.

The data represented in each circle graph is listed out directly below it: Total students, points earned, points possible, and percentage earned. 

Click on the individual STAAR test to see a list of specific students who took the test, their performance level, and their growth. 

The last section lists out-of-place students. On the top right, you can choose how many students appear per page, search for a specific student, and even print the data. If student answers were included in the files provided for upload, you can click on the student names to view a standards report. 


Domain 3


What will these reports allow you to see?

In Domain 3, you will see a chart for each STAAR subject. Each chart displays the Academic Achievement Target, Academic Achievement Result, Academic Growth Target, and Academic Growth result for specific student groups. On the right of the chart, you will see a convenient summary of the data. 


How to Read District Admin STAAR Reports


NOTE: 2022 STAAR data has already been imported for most district admin accounts.


If you requested an import from a different year, click the drop down box at the top of the screen and select from the available years. 

ALL In Learning categorizes the data into the three Texas Student Achievement domains: (1) Student Achievement, (2) Student Progress, and (3) Closing the Gap. To view, click on a domain in the “Overall Score” box at the top of the page. 

What will these reports allow you to see?

The bar graph right below the Overall score shows the Domain 1, 2, or 3 score for each school in the district. The detailed data is listed below. Hover above one of the bars with your mouse to see the name of the school and the school’s score.

Right below this, you’ll see the Campus List. This lists every campus in the district and their scores based on Student Achievement, School Progress, School Progress 2A, School Progress 2B, and Closing the gaps. To view one of these criteria at a time, click the small circle right below the school progress domain. 

You can also filter the campus in the chart by clicking the drop down arrow next to “All Schools.” For example, click elementary schools to see only elementary schools in the chart. 

For each campus in the chart, click “School Info” to see a breakdown of the School Type, State ID, and Economically Disadvantaged percentage. Lastly, click “School STAAR data” to see the data breakdown for the students only in that school. (This is the same screen campus admins see in their STAAR Reports).

additional keywords: STAAR report import

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