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If your school uses TeacherVUE, it's easy to get your grades imported from ALL In Learning.
Note that your rosters need Student IDs within ALL In Learning for this to work.
First, within ALL In Learning:
1. Go to the Reports tab > Actions > Export.
Then, import into TeacherVUE
- Open the CSV file downloaded to your computer, and click on File and then Save As.
TeacherVUE requires the file to be changed from CSV to Excel, so save the file as Excel Workbook (.xslx). - In the TeacherVUE Gradebook, click on Gradebook and then Gradebook Import.
- Check the “Add Assignments Not Found in Current Class.” This will create the assignment as a new assignment in your grade book with the settings already entered on the spreadsheet.
If you have already created the assignment in the grade book, and the assignment name exactly matches what is listed on the spreadsheet as the assignment name, you do not have to check this box. - Next, click Choose File. Navigate to your saved template spreadsheet. Finally, click the Upload Import File button.
If a file of the incorrect format is uploaded, you will get a Server Error. Make sure your file is changed from .csv to a .xls or .xlsx format.
Need to import into a different gradebook? Click here for more options!
Addition Keywords: import Teacher Vue exporting importing