Our Campus Accountability reports let Texas schools get Domain 1, 2a, 2b, and 3 STAAR Accountability reports (with the state's calculations) from any test data so your team can see: "If this had bee the STAAR, how would we have done?"
You can use data from any quality assessment from ALL in Learning, early-release STAAR data, and even other 3rd party assessment systems. Then, your team can grow comfortable with the reports, equipped to solve problems, and accomplish goals with no surprises come STAAR time.
The initial view will show you all the Accountability Reports and their specific domain scores, your total campus overview score from that Performance Report, and a graph showing any changes from one Performance Report to another.
Accountability Reports: Think of an individual Accountability Report like a snapshot of how your campus is doing and that snapshot provides you a score similar to the one TEA gives schools at txschools.gov. If all the individual assessments you added to a Performance Report produced a picture of what your school would score on the STAAR Exam, how would you do?
In this example, this campus has completed three individual Accountability Reports, one for each of the three semester assessments.
Each Accountability Report consists of several individual assessments that make up that snapshot. This can be specifically formatted and shared assessments specifically for testing how your students are doing, or they can be a mere ad hoc selection you as a campus admin added to give you a picture of how things are going.
Student Achievement
Clicking on the bottom "View accountability Reports" accordion will give you access to each individual Accountability Report, so you can see specifically how students and teachers did for that snapshot.
In this example, we've clicked on the Semester Assessment 3 Accountability Report, and the default view shows us our Domain 1 score, broken down by Subject -> Grade, and the number of students who are in each performance category.
Remember that each of these Subject -> Grade areas could be the result of a number of different assessments. It does not have to be just one assessment for each group for each Accountability Report.
Now that you have an overview, you can click on the numbers for each category and performance band, to get a breakdown of how teachers and students did for that group.
For our example, we'll select Math Grade 5, the number of students who are in Masters. This opens a modal which gives us a list of teachers, the percentage of their students for this category which is in this performance group, the number of students, and clicking the expand button will show you the individual students.
In just a few clicks, you know exactly what teachers and students are excelling or struggling and can create strategies that match the actual data.
School Progress
Clicking on School Progress will show you both the growth scores (Domain 2A) and the Economic Disadvantage score (Domain 2B) for your campus, for this snapshot.
For this report to work, you'll need to enter or import historical data for your students. Contact ALL In Learning to learn how to do this or we can help you import data for your students.
In this example, historical data has been entered for many students. We can click on Math Grade 4 to get a breakdown of how students in this category did.
Matching TEA's growth chart, this shows you immediately how students performed and their growth level. The row shows their historical level - where they were starting from - and the column their result - where they ended for this Accountability Report.
There's an additional tab that shows trend lines for how students in this category are doing.
Closing the Gap
Clicking on Closing the gap (Domain 3) will give you a breakdown by student group and your Domain 3 Score.
This breaks data down by student group. You can click any student group to get a further list of teachers and students.
Assessment Details
Finally, the assessment details page shows you the exact assessments used to create this Accountability Report. It's searchable, so it's easy to quickly filter by one teacher, one grade, or one class. Each row contains the score, the number of students in each performance group, and links to show you how the class did as a whole, growth levels, and your Out of Place Students - those students in a class who did not meet their growth goals.
In this example, we've narrowed down the 45 assessments which make up this performance report to one teacher's assessments. We filtered by her name using the search in the top-right. Now we'll click her first row's Out of Place Students to get that class's students which need extra attention. All within a few seconds.
Creating a New Accountability Report
Back on the main page, click on the Create New Accountability Report button.
This will open a modal that allows you to add the individual assessments that will make up this Accountability Report.
Fill in a name for your Accountability Report, search sort for the assessment you need, set the Language, Grade, and Subject for this assessment, and click on Save.
Add as many assessments as you want. You can always add more or remove them later if you need to. Then click on Close.
Clicking close will take you immediately to that Accountability Report and show you the Domain 1 Score.
Historical and Campus Data
Not every category of Language/Grade/Subject requires a Domain 2 score, but what about those that do? And what about setting your campus's economic disadvantage number for Domain 2B? And what about setting demographic data for Domain 3.
Easy! Just click the Historical Data button at the top!
This will take you to the Historical Data page in your Campus Admin account. This page contains a place for you to set individual data for your students as well as your campus data.
Use the top accordion option to set the data for your campus.
Then click on any student data button to set both demographic data and historical data for an individual student.
Important Notes:
1. You can set both STAAR Raw Scores or Percentage Scores.
2. Make sure you select the grade for which the scores correspond. Probably last year's grade since this was historical. Don't enter the student's current grade unless that's what the score is from.
3. Student not included in your October TSDS PEIMS snapshot? Exclude them here. The student will not affect your domain scores or your campus score, but you will still be able to see how they did.
4. Teachers have access to this form too! It's on their campus roster. Click on the demographic field. Share the workload! If you need to enter this data manually, if each teacher takes their homeroom, it can be done for the whole school in twenty minutes!
5. You and your teachers might not need to do it at all! If you have a state file or another file with grade data, let us know and we can import this for you!
Additional Keywords: Index One